External Hard Drive Icon

Step 1:

Let’s start out by creating a new file. I used a 300×300 pixels canvas set at 72dpi, and I filled my background with #395F8B color shade. Now in a new layer set and name it ‘External Hard Drive’.
In a new layer draw a gray rounded rectangle with #B1BAC3 color shade and 123 x 137 px dimensions. Then go to Edit > Transform > Perspective, drag the top left transform point to the right to create the second shape shown below.

Step 2:

Under Layer Style(Layer > Layer Style) add a Drop Shadow, Inner Shadow, Inner Glow, Satin and Gradient Overlay blending options to your gray rounded rectangle layer.


Step 3:

Dupicate the perspective gray rounded rectangle shape in its own layer and position it as shown below then add a marquee selection around the original and cut the shape on the duplicate.

Step 4:

Under Layer Style(Layer > Layer Style) add a Drop Shadow, Inner Shadow, Inner Glow, Satin and Gradient Overlay blending options to your small cut out shape from the last step..


Step 5:

Duplicate the cut out shape design layer and stack them as shown below.

Step 6:

In a new layer draw a dark gray rectangle with #303032 color shade and 102 x 7 px dimensions on the center of the stacked shape designs. Then in another new layer draw a very small yellow circle with #D8FF00 color shade and 4 x 4 px dimensions.

Step 7:

Under Layer Style(Layer > Layer Style) add an Outer Glow and Gradient Overlay blending options to your small yellow circle layer.


Step 8:

In a new layer draw multiple yellow lines on the other end of the stacked design and apply the same layer styles settings from step seven.

Step 9:

In a new layer draw a blue circle with #00BDFF color shade and 39 x 39 px dimensions.

Step 10:

In a new layer draw a white ellipse with 84 x 72 px dimensions on the center of the hard drive.

Step 11:

Under Layer Style(Layer > Layer Style) add an Inner Shadow and Stroke blending options to the white ellipse layer. Then set the layer’s blending mode to Darken.


Step 12 :

In a new layer draw a smaller white ellipse with 29 x 25 px dimensions on the center of the hard drive. Then under Layer Style(Layer > Layer Style) add an Inner Shadow and Stroke blending options. Now set the layer’s blending mode to Darken.



External Hard Drive Design.

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