Cool Background

Welcome in making a cool background along with a little bit of logo making practice tutorial. Actually a call them - design sketching because you practice your design skills during such tutorials and I even make several logos or several shape color ideas sometimes. So this is one of my design sketching tutorials. I really don't use that this will be a finished design but it still puts me further and I can develop the idea from this sketch if I want to go further like in production.
Final Result : 

So select the size you want: I've chosen 2000x1200 document:

So first thing I'm going to do is to fill background with something: i choose to stick to gradients - it's fast and it gives a good effect for such fast matter.

But do remember to change that mode:

So we do changes the filling mode. that I why we have this pretty amazingly fast effect:

Now I really want to stick to this grey shape and go on and develop it more.

So I'd like to mention that we'll do a lot of filtering and distortion in this one, the first filter is now.

Twirl: to make the shape less straight:

Then we'll apply wave filter: watch the settings carefully: we have square type and the other settings you can see right here.

Now I really want to change that color - basically to add color: I've chosen color balance: but I've balanced the color on midtones, highlights and shadows as well.


Now comes the so called distortion part: I really like to apply some distortion effects: But first tap Q to enter quick mask mode because I don't want to cover the whole area with the effect:

So this is my mask area (I've used rounded gradient tool to define the areas of the effect and mask itself).

The effect we'll apply will be Radial blur (Zoom).

Leave the selection on and apply another shear effect:

I really want to apply another, this time less distorting effect - Noise. I wanted to gain a little bit of texture by adding this filter.

Now select inverse leaving the selection in the center:

Apply radial blur - this time Spin.

Adjust the colors (selection in ON).

Hmmm - looks good. Apply some and paint some circles - i really want to do it because I think the composition is too dull. too empty.

Now the text part: now you got it what design sketching really is? I'll practice my types:

Another thought:

And we are ready here: - TNX for reading - practice a lot and I hope I did help you to understand some things. see you next time on

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